Homemade Nutella
Servings Prep Time
250gm 25minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
250gm 25minutes
Cook Time
  1. Roast the hazelnut at 200º C for 10-12 mins until very fragrant and well roasted
  2. Then rub them vigorously with a cloth towel to remove as much of the skins as possible.
  3. Blend the hazelnuts until it forms a very smooth butter-like paste for 2 minutes. When the paste is smooth and shiny on top then it is done.
  4. Add in the remaining ingredients: Cocoa powder, icing sugar, cooled melted chocolate, vanilla extract and vegetable oil.
  5. continue to blend. When it is smooth and is lovely and shiny then it is done.
  6. Store your Nutella in an airtight jar at room temperature for 4 weeks